Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Suddenly an ESL teacher

Yesterday we had our first crop of 7th graders for WordWorks club, which is supposed to help them with their English. It almost didn't happen--there's a lack of follow-through. Plus, Max waited until the last minute to realize we needed to figure out space, and maybe call the school to remind them. The kids finally showed up--the girls first, the boys showing up later, for some mysterious reason. We sat in a circle in the back garden.

First, we all wrote our names on pieces of paper, so we could attempt to learn them. Then we had everyone write a quick composition introducing themselves. Then we paired off and read them to each other. After that, we reconvened and introduced our partner to the group. Although this is kind of standard getting-to-know-you stuff in the U.S., the kids were confused a bit by all of it. Also, kids here have a really hard time with the concept of creativity, and an even harder time with loosening up around authority. I hope they'll relax a little and allow themselves fun. But it was a decent start. I felt awkward--after all, I'm certainly not trained as an ESL teacher!

We also had Thabo participate, since this club is actually one of HER objectives. She really sat back, and behaved almost like one of the kids. I wonder if she feels insecure? I hope she gains some confidence and ownership so the program can continue. If Ashley and I run the whole show, it won't be sustainable. Then again, if the staff runs the whole show, it won't happen or will be very school-like. I'll continue to try to strike a balance.

Today we get our second group. We'll have a group of kids every day. Hard work!


  1. You bet it is. But it looks like you are doing well.

  2. And Thabo is a staff member, I presume? Is she one of those who thinks you work too hard? I could have told her that, you know!

    It sounds like you are doing some interesting work. There must be some way to get to the children's creativity. Perhaps singing, or playing with rhythm (you or they or both), or dancing could relax their inhibitions.
