Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday Monday Monday

This morning we showed up early, as usual. The library is having new winter hours, to deal with the cold. We now open at 8 and close an hour earlier--at 5.

Ashley and I are finally starting to work on projects. She made some great informational bookmarks today, and I created a complex arrear form in Excel and began the important and very needed task of doing a shelf read--many things are out of place. Since there's no OPAC, our users depend on browsing to find materials, so it's even more essential that items be in the right place!

I had a telling interaction today that made me change my hopes and expectations quite a bit. The main administrator, who has some power at the library, was in the office, poring over a phone book. I asked if she needed help. She said she was looking for a bank called Botswana Trading Post and couldn't find it. I looked over, and she was on "B-Ba." I explained that "Botswana" starts with "Bo" and she should turn to the page that has that included in the upper corner page guide. We found it right away. She was shocked and amazed. So, the library administrator cannot use a phonebook nor does she understand how alphabetization works. I have no way of knowing the literacy levels of the other staff...



  1. Wow! That would've taken my breath away a little bit...(I love how you titled this after a T&S song :))

  2. As a speaker/writer of broken English, I need help with abbreviations.
    What is "OPAC?"

  3. Dad, an OPAC is an online public access catalog-- the thinger on computers in libraries with which you search for books.
